Aggravated Assault Charges Derail Republican Campaign
The arrest of Matawan Republican Council candidate Joseph Saggese for second degree assault has left the local Republican ticket for Mayor and Council floundering.
Saggese was arrested for assault and strangulation as part of a domestic violence dispute on September 24th at his home in Matawan. Saggese has been charged with aggravated assault and if convicted, faces up to 10 years in prison.

Despite the charges, Saggese is still running for council as part of the Matawan Republican ticket. His running mates, Charles Ross and Anissa Esposito have attempted to disassociate themselves from Saggese, but the names of all three Republican candidates still appear together on the Ballot in Column 2.
“The Republicans are trying to distance themselves from Saggese because of the assault, but it just won’t work,” commented one political observer. “Allegations of domestic violence have been floating around for a long time, but Ross and Esposito ran with him anyway. This really is unacceptable.”
In an earlier interview, Saggese described one of his priorities as “Respect for all residents of Matawan.” Apparently that respect didn’t extend to his victim.
According to New Jersey election law, Saggese could still be elected to Council despite his arrest and charges. On November 7th, residents will be choosing a Mayor and two Council Members.